Invoicing & Technical Booking
Integrate accounts receivable with your policy administration platform to generate receivable records and invoices automatically
At Xceedance, we use our deep insurance domain expertise to establish best-in-class accounts receivable practices and deliver superior productivity, accuracy, and efficiency. We conduct a thorough assessment of your challenges and areas of discomfort to help you manage re/insurance policy transactions end-to-end. Leveraging multi-shore delivery models and digital-first insurance operations, our experienced team is ready to address your specific requirements and increase focus on data and risk analytics to add true value to your business.
Integrate accounts receivable with your policy administration platform to generate receivable records and invoices automatically
Establish automatic cash applications for key brokers to advance your credit collection activities
End-to-end support for managing your portfolio, including transaction management, audits, payment monitoring, tax forms, and more
Produce multiple business reports automatically, saving reconciliation efforts and improving turnaround time
Harness technologies and new ways of doing business digitally to streamline your billing and collections processes
Our latest thinking and case studies